Deck Builders Austin

Littlefield Fountain

Littlefield Fountain

This iconic monument is a beloved landmark of the city, and it’s steeped in history. Built over 100 years ago by George Washington Littlefield as a tribute to the Confederacy, this fountain stands tall today as an important symbol for both locals and visitors alike. In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating story behind this famous fountain—from its inception to its current status—as well as how it has become such an integral part of Austin culture. 

The History Of Littlefield Fountain: Exploring The Meaning Behind Austin’s Iconic Monument


Littlefield Fountain is an iconic Austin landmark located on the University of Texas campus. It stands as a symbol of the city’s history and culture, with its unique design reflecting a period of growth in the early 20th century. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind Littlefield Fountain and discuss how it has become such an important part of Austin’s identity. 

The fountain was commissioned by George Washington Littlefield in 1903 to honor Confederate soldiers who had died during the Civil War. Its construction was completed two years later, and it remains largely unchanged today; it even won a National Historic Landmark designation from Congress in 1985! Beyond its historical significance, there are several other reasons why Littlefield Fountain is considered such an important part of Austin’s heritage: its location near downtown, its intricate sculptural detailing, and its presence within one of America’s most prominent universities—all these factors contribute to making it one of Austin’s most cherished landmarks. 

The story behind Littlefield Fountain also provides insight into how much this city has grown over time. When George Washington Littlefield commissioned his memorial back in 1903, he did so out of love for his hometown—a sentiment that still resonates among many Houstonians today! From then until now, Littlefield Fountain has served as both a reminder and celebration of our city’s rich history—it truly embodies all that makes Austin great.

With such strong ties to our past, it comes as no surprise that many consider Littlefield Fountain to be one architectural marvel worth admiring up close or from afar. As we examine the unique design and construction elements that make up this iconic monument, we can gain further appreciation for all that went into creating something so beautiful–and meaningful–for generations to come.

Littlefield Fountain

An Architectural Marvel: Examining The Unique Design and Construction Of The Littlefield Fountain

The Littlefield Fountain is an iconic Austin landmark that stands as a symbol of the city’s pride and ingenuity. Its unique design and construction make it one of the most recognizable monuments in Texas. Dig this

The fountain was initially designed by architect Arthur Fehr, who incorporated several distinct features into its structure. He used multiple different materials to create an impressive blend of classical, Baroque, and Renaissance styles, all within one structure. The result is an eye-catching monument with intricate details like mermaid statues at each corner, four lion heads on the pool walls, and two angel sculptures perched atop pillars near the entrance. Additionally, Fehr included two large bronze plaques dedicated to former University of Texas president George W Littlefield on either side of the stairs leading up to the fountain itself – adding another layer to its history and symbolism.

Fehr also paid close attention to practicality when constructing his masterpiece; he made sure that it could be easily maintained by utilizing durable materials such as marble, limestone, and granite for its base while using copper piping beneath it for plumbing purposes. This combination makes Littlefield Fountain both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound – ensuring that this cherished landmark will remain standing for generations to come.

From its unique design elements to its practical yet elegant construction methods, there’s no doubt that Littlefield Fountain is truly an architectural marvel worthy of admiration from Austinites everywhere! With these details in mind, we can better appreciate why this beloved monument has become such a powerful symbol in our community – one which represents not only our appreciation for artistic beauty but also our pride in what makes us special as individuals living together under one roof: Our shared love for Austin’s most beloved landmarks.

A Symbol Of Community Pride: Celebrating Austin’s Love For Its Most Beloved Landmark

Austin, Texas, is a vibrant city that loves to celebrate its landmarks. Littlefield Fountain is no exception. This iconic structure has become a symbol of community pride for Austinites and visitors alike. It stands as an impressive reminder of the city’s history, culture, and values. 

The fountain was built in 1933 at the behest of George Washington Littlefield, who wanted to honor those who had served in World War I. Since then, it has been at the center of many gatherings, from small family outings to large protests or celebrations. Its presence adds an air of grandeur and importance to any event held near it – making it one of the most treasured places in Austin’s heart and mind. 

Littlefield Fountain serves as a powerful example that even something seemingly simple can be incredibly meaningful when shared with others. It continues to draw people together from all walks of life, reminding us that we are all connected by our love for this beloved landmark and what it represents: community spirit, unity, and resilience through times, both good and bad.

Littlefield Fountain is a one-of-a-kind monument that has been part of Austin’s history since its construction in 1937. It stands as an architectural marvel due to its unique design and construction. Moreover, it serves as a symbol of community pride for all who call this city home. 

Important Information to Remember

  • Address: 201 W 21st St, Austin, TX 78705, United States
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  • Contact Number: +15124711000
  • Opening Hours: Open 24 Hours